annals | guests | diaryland

10/22/2002 - 10:54 a.m. | and i took out my tongue twice removed from my face

Bleh - sociology was just useless today. I shoulda stayed here and slept because that was pretty much what I did there... I knew all the answers to the questions everyone asked because I actually go to class when it is necessary. I mean, I'm sure people didn't get some stuff, but I'm sure that just as many were gathering info from all the classes they skipped. Look it up, assface.

I wish I had someone to shake hands with every time I saw them. I used to have Jeff Landers, but he got all thin and what's the fun of that?! Er, I mean - good for him!

I'd like a cute winter hat, I think. Help find me one! Maybe I'll buy it, and you can be all proud and tell your friends, "See that hat that Nate Walsh is wearing?! I picked that out!" And man, they will be GREEN with envy! Yes, because everyone loves Nate. Anyway, thus far my options are the Powerpuff Girls purple and grey hat and Parappa's orange hat :D Haha

Will and I (and possibly Kyle) are gonna carve pumpkins soon, I think. Here's the basic model we're working with (it's our president, by the way):

Why do my JPEGs always look like ass? Help me fix them (for free!)

Listening to people eat with their mouths open has got to be one of the most horrid things in the world. SQUISH SQUISH Jesus Christ!

I won't be soothed,