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10/21/2002 - 10:14 a.m. | what a mind rape

"What a mind rape!" - so sez psych TA... I almost hope that's on the test.

What I'm lacking in sleep and cleanliness, I make up in..... *vomits*

No, but seriously - my body is in need of some repairs. I wanted to go to sleep early last night, and I was all in bed and stuff, but then I saw Dank pull up. Then I noticed he wasn't turning his lights off. After like 5 minutes, I got worried and sat up to check on him. As far as I could see, he was sitting in the car without moving, the lights still on. I grew a little concerned, so I went out to talk to Kyle and Spritz. They were less concerned than I, but then Will buzzed up. I went down to get him, and he had noticed Dank too. By now, about 10 minutes had gone by, the lights were still on, and he still wasn't moving. Will, in typical Will fashion, offered, "Maybe he committed suicide 'cause he doesn't wanna spend another week without Kay." The theory seemed a little flawed, though, in that it would take many years to fill up the entire world with carbon monoxide from his engine... Still, if 20 minutes went by and he still hadn't come in, we'd run out and save him... Right around minute 19 he got out of the car. He was on the phone with Kay. I like how we consider the suicide option first. But anyway, I don't think I fell asleep until 2, and when I woke up my alarm was speaking in tongues, and I just kinda floated through class, trying to teach myself to draw... stuff. I thought of more stuff to write earlier, but so much for that!

OK, OK - gonna shower! Honestly! Right now!

Ok, I remember part of what I was gonna talk about. My psych TA was talking about amnesia, and how it's all cliched on TV how the person will fall off their horse or whatever and lose their memory, and it made me think of the final episode of "Full House" where Michelle got amnesia (because she fell off her horse), and Mary-Kate and Ashley had to do some serious acting and pretend they didn't know what things were (Ashley was always the better actress), and then she got her memory back and apologized for some incident with Stephanie involving chap stick (Jodie Sweetin's lips are chapped?! AS IF! Try succulent, you sons of bitches!) and STEVE showed up to take DJ to the prom and man, was it ever a Full House! Which just goes to show how much learning rocks.

I won't be soothed,