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10/18/2002 - 3:14 p.m. | tiny pointy crumb

So, last night as I was going to bed, in the process of taking out my contacts I managed to jam a tiny pointy crumb thing in my eye. So I swore a little and wiped it out, and I thought I was fine. The crumb hid out, though, I guess, so when I woke up it had done quite a scouring pad number on my eyeball. Fuck. Back to artfag glasses again.

In other news, I think IMPE is against me. THE WHOLE THING. See, I got this e-mail yelling about me about not going to a meeting, but the thing is, I never knew there was a meeting. It turns out they mentioned it on their site, but I don't check that very often. Had I receieved an e-mail, it woulda been fine, but nuh-uh. So, I wrote an e-mail to the girl explaining myself (and offering some helpful suggestions so as to not screw me over in the future) and for some reason, e-mails to her aren't working. They so want me gone for my views on Korea or tetherballs or something.

And why does Spritz have Madonna's "Beautiful Stranger" on his playlist?

I also thought I lost my checkbook, but I'm just retarded.

Went to Walgreens and bought some eyedrops. There are about 20 different kinds, but I used the same strategy I do on toothpaste. I look at each individual kind to see what has that makes it special. Then I see which one has all that stuff mixed together. That way I have long-lasting extra fresh breath with whitening and tartar control as well as non-irritated, non-red, soothed, cooled, and refresed eyes. Whoever came up with the idea of mixing the leftover shit and selling it as the ultimate was a genius. I tried it with milk, and it didn't work as well.

I had Dank burn me the correct Powerpuff version. The world is all balanced now.

Oh, I forgot! In my search for a caffeine alternative, I picked up some "SUPER HIGH POTENCY HI-ENERGY-G" (basically an assload of ginseng in giant pill form) today. My theory is that since it was in the ghettoest box, it's probably a coveted secret or something. It's "stabilized," so I'm hoping that's code for "won't break my brain." I've had really strong ginseng tea before, and it didn't do anything, so that's a good sign. It also has Royal Jelly. Uhhh... I contemplated ginko biloba, but it said it required four weeks to kick in, not four hours... There was also one trick product that was like, "Super Power Energy!" and then it was just a lot of caffeine. I'd just like to be normal, not super-energized. "Just sleep them retard!" Oh, of course.

I won't be soothed,