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10/16/2002 - 1:04 p.m. | incredibly boring entry about astronomy

RAR - I dozed off in Astronomy again, which I hate doing. I mean, yeah - I already read the stuff for class, but I still feel all guilty. But jeez - I'm only human! He turns the lights down and has this comforting Ben Stein-ish voice.

I need to go to this Astronomy observing session either tonight or tomorrow. I should prolly go tonight, but I am almost positive that won't happen. Stupid Nate. For this session, I have to write two reports. This will be hard because I had a rather difficult time rambling out a page (handwritten) for the solar observing session. I tried to hide this by using exclamation points. "The sun is big! I love it! It melts my ice cream! I love ice cream!"

I really need to shower now, though. Or nap. Dammit.

I won't be soothed,