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02/09/2006 - 7:32 p.m. | shame!

How about a couple quick, disturbing updates while you wait for me to bang out a real entry one of these moments?

1) I had sex dreams two nights in a row. Like my first two ever. The best part are the respective subjects: Lisa Yung and Big Boobs, respectively. This speaks wonders of my psychological state.

Pauses to think on what he just said.

You know, it really does! The two people I tried (and failed) to have sex with have returned in subconscious form to make things right. This time I did get it up! This time the sideways vaginer wasn't impeding the progress of my dong! Glory, hallelujah! All my sexual kinks have been sorted! Thank you, Freud!

My God, I've entered puberty. One can only pray the acne will finally clear up.

2) Girl drinks alone make not for a fun drunken evening.

Lord, I was pissy and full of rage that night. Tuesday, I guess, because I have lately been pissy and full of rage every damn night. And drowning my sorrows in fuzzy navel flavored Bartels & James was not the studliest way to solve some problems.

Plus watermelon Pucker.
Plus Creme de Banana.
Pass the insulin, darlin'. Daddy's started to lose his vision again.

C.O.'ses was hilariously deserted, so we went to Firehaus and played Circle of Death. I chugged my blue sugar water way too fast, though, and got mad pressure on my chest. I wasn't the least bit nauseous, but I felt like absolute hell and stumbled into the bathroom to force myself to kak. Of course, I was sitting on the toilet while doing this, so by the time I realized the gig was up (so to speak), I swung my head far too fast and sent vomit spewing across the stall. This obviously had me in hysterics, leading to an odd dispite between vomit and laughter that I'm sure confused the hell out of the other bathroom patrons at the time.

I felt much better, and Shelly and I went to dance alone to 80's hits.

Currently listening to: "Rolling Stone Top 500 - (Boston) More Than a Feeling"
It may be Rolling Stone's number 500, but it is my fucking number one!


I won't be soothed,