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12/03/2005 - 5:37 a.m. | oh, the drunk, he graces us with an entry, how wonderful!

I do not like my arms (they are too skinny and too hairy, reminding me of spiders or mustaches), and my torso is merely adequate, but I really like my legs. The skinniness and hairiness of them seems to work well. I don't know. I've been sitting here, looking at them, for quite some time now, trying to figure what it is that I like about them. How... tubelike they are? Something like that. Or their color. And how they look well put together without being all icky and over-muscular. Then I wished that we lived in the 70's when such a tragic fashion statement as short shorts for guys were in, because I might have had a chance. I would like to show them off. I like my legs the best, I think. Not my feet. Just the legs. And apparently I've got the tiniest bit of a butt now, which is pleasant.

Then I thought about reincarnation and wished it were true. It would be amazing to come back and live a whole new life as a different person. But I also wish I could remember this life the next time around. I would probably like to be a girl the next time around, although dudes are sort of gross (my own appendages excluded) and the idea of gunk flying out from a gash in me seems a little repugnant. Unfortunately, though, this is the only shot at life I've got. I'm not doing too bad with it, I think. Somewhere around the middle of the pack, maybe higher because I'm self-aware. And not fat.

I won't be soothed,