annals | guests | diaryland

11/11/2005 - 7:03 p.m. | THE FINAL COUNTDOWN

Despite my overall positive feelings towards the song, I am less than enthusiastic that things are progressing so quickly. There's no denying it now. Kyle just sent out his thing taking a co-op, meaning he'll be gone pretty much all of spring and summer. What then? Do I stick around and kato here with him when he gets back? Or is this, like, it? He leaves, we leave, and bleh, no more anyone ever again. Can't ignore it any longer. School is sending me e-mails asking on whether I plan on graduating next semester or not, Missy's hassling me all the time about where I'm going, everyone's getting job offers... I mean, thankfully, I'm still fucked and have no place to go (meaning I could go anywhere), but what happens when that changes?

lol, pipe dream

I guess I should be downstairs enjoying their company while it lasts, but there's another countdown at hand. Four days until I've promised to reopen the diary and, no doubt, a whole set of wounds with it. The question is, how am I going to be doing it? Both Missy and my parents have been bugging me about it, but I'm not sure I want them back in this thing. Got a little story about that to relate later. On the other hand, I kind of liked random people finding their way here and stalking me (even weasle9193, who just the other day told me he/she was watching me from the bushes or something), so I don't know. Anyway, until the sparks actually fly, I might as well get as much tinder ready as possible. As such, I have another three, four, five entries to bang out before that fateful day. I also apparently have a ten page paper due like a week from yesterday, but maybe I will write it in this such style and get it done in like two hours. "Advertising is pretty fucking gay, cunt cunt cunt." 100%.

I won't be soothed,