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11/02/2005 - 3:39 a.m. | i show them just how far i can bend

Should have written another entry tonight, definitely should have drawn the six ads Cara and I planned this evening, but you know how it works. Somehow end up at fucking God-forsaken Togo's at 2 in the morning getting a chicken bruschetta sandwich made by a man with about as much Italian in him as Chef Boyardee. Yeah, I'm not sure if that analogy even made sense, but I've working hard on them lately, so we have to accept a few flops. Didn't want the sandwich, didn't want to eat at all, but there you go. Pick out all the onions, choke down the dressing-soaked remainder. And I drank a Cherry Coke, so it's not like I'll be sleeping anytime soon, weaknesses firmly in place.

ANYWAY, point is, Kyle and I ended up in the basement, as he is too terrified by possums and vagrants to ever go down there and do laundry alone, when I spotted a guitar in the cave area with all of Dave Kraft's old shit. You'd think I would have noticed something so unusual before, wouldn't you? Anyway, I ran to grab it and found the... uh... top part (the tuner thing) was broken off and hanging by five and a half twisty guitar strings.

You've all read "Goosebumps" books before; you know what I had to do. I stayed up 'til... well, now, actually, getting the snotty strings out and clamping the top in place with my hands for 90 minutes while I waited for the wood glue to dry and Kim Possible to defeat Dr. Drakken for the third time. Of course, as I have come to expect from glue, the thing immediately fell off anyway, but I secured it pretty well with some duct tape, and hopefully we can carry on in classic tradition. Mysterious guitar appears somewhere creepy, idiot child (Hello!) repairs it, finds it is in fact Ghost Guitar with strange powers (like I am preternatually talented at ballads) but with a chilling cost (like I start aging rapidly or become real mean to all my friends) and we learn it has a demon in it or some shit, so I throw it in a river, so that some other kid can find the damn thing in "Monster Blood III."

God, those were stupid books.

I won't be soothed,