annals | guests | diaryland

10/31/2005 - 6:18 p.m. | good food... for vegetables

Sorry for the delay, but I have injured my ankle and will be out for the season.

OK, that's pretty much lies. My ankle is injured to some extent, but I am still running anyway, and I have not written because Missy was in town, and she will simply not tolerate our limited time spent together with me writing about how limited our time spent together is. Or whatever. Anyway, there are, as always, a slew of entries to catch up on - some started, some only in my head - and I pause and thank my lucky stars that my life isn't really all that interesting at all.

For instance, Spritz was in a threesome this weekend (the good kind), Kyle and Dank are travelling all around the country for job interviews (on the company dime, no less), Smacko's taking mescaline somewhere with Allison (hopefully getting closer in his endeavors, last day of October), and... well... if I had to participate in and write about those sort of things, I would just never catch up. So yes, thank my lucky stars. Thank them.

I won't be soothed,