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09/21/2005 - 8:27 p.m. | babylon is falling to pieces over their heads

Drug Log, Day 3:

We mixed too strong yesterday. As a result, my orange juice tasted like aluminum siding (lumpy) and my brain felt as though it was expanding to the limits of my head. Besides that, few other positive results. I believe Kyle is right - I am recalling dreams better, but of course the meds make it so they are all dreams I don't want to remember. I am falling asleep better and waking easier possibly, but I am also desperately looking for any noticeable change in physiology, so keep that in mind. For instance, I have been horny as shit lately. And fuck all if I don't hate that word, but it's true. This could be something far more insidious than self-medication, of course. I just need to see a well-toned tummy right now. I think that could hold me off.

Hold me off 'til what?

I am possibly attending a wedding this weekend with Kyle and Shelly. I may have mentioned this. Seems like the perfect opportunity to pull some Wedding Crashers shit - or at least get hammered - but there is a very real possibility that Missy's parents will be in attendance, which is totally bizarre incidentally. Of course, that could end all my problems right there (e.g. throwing up on them and making out with some homely cousin in their general vicinity), but I don't have enough money to buy non-pleated pants right now. My mom sent me a huge great care package, God bless her, but they do not let me sell food.

One time when drunk I might have admitted to being anorexic. That's a weird thing to do. As proof, I held up my red hair-banded wrist. Ter-dah.

I may have been in the top two or so today in 452. Of course, the girl in first, the pretty one (but not the pretty one who reminds me of early 90's Tiffani-Amber Thiessen), is lightyears ahead of me, but I don't really mind. Better than Lukeman, that's my motto! Lord, it freaks me out when other kids in the class try and use Sheldon's terminology. And usually a poor job of it, too. Then again, he did drop the f-bomb a couple of times today, so I might be emulating soon enough myself. I would love for this class to become a cavalcade of profanity, especially since we have that one middle aged mom in there with us. Fuck off, cunt!

As was hinted, all other classes are suffering. I had to skip most of Audience Analysis, and apparently I have an exam in Pop Culture tomorrow. Also, I am not cleaning myself as often as I would like.

I got a call from some random number up in Chicago at like 11:30 last night. No message. Fearful, I had Spritz phone in, and it turned out it was the number for the Ford City Mall. Hmmm. Why is a mall calling me? Actually, that isn't even what bothered me so much. I sign up for lots of stupid internet schemes and whatnot, so a random call from a mall is fine. But why a call from a mall at nearly midnight? And not from any of the stores, but from some extension of managerial area not listed anywhere else. I have not ever been to this mall (It is up by Midway), and though I was told I could leave a message, I let the phone ring for like 5 minutes to no avail. I did some more research, and besides their KFC-equipped food court, all I've learned about is that at the start of this year a gas line exploded there, leaving a crater and several melty cars. A reliable source is quoted as saying, "There's about 100 square feet that's blowed up." Why I do I feel as if I've suddenly stumbled into the Matrix? I await your next call, acneface.

I won't be soothed,