annals | guests | diaryland

05/15/2005 - 10:20 p.m. | and now you'll fucking know my rage

Yeah, so the diary is locked now, and fucking good riddance, I say. I can talk about whomever, however, and what the fuck can they do? It's like having my own little party, and maybe the attention was important, but it was just as big of a nuisance.

As you probably guessed, this was all caused by the last entry. Someone didn't want someone else's parents discovering certain sexual secrets about them, and I gave them what they wanted. Maybe this even seems logical, I don't know, I can't tell right now, but is this motivated by anger? Right you fucking are it is. I am so mad it hurts. I am sick of people coming after me for things I did not censor or things they think I should be censoring or blah blah blah whatever. If you're out doing things (in the back of my fucking car, for instance) that you find so morally reprehensible that you wouldn't want your parents to read about it, maybe you should be guarding your own behavior a little better, hmm? If you're gonna be a slutbomb, you must face the consequences of being a slutbomb. Consider me your little moral watchdog. If I see it, I will write about it, and if you wouldn't want it published, fucking don't do it in public. So, I dunno. Right now, everyone is cut off, and I don't know who I am going to let back in. This is going to upset my parents, I know, because this is one of the few connections I've left open for them and loads of friends depend on this for entertainment, but well, screw everybody right now. Just pretend like the whole thing never happened. More than anyone, I need this stupid diary! I'm serious. Threaten my catharsis, will you?

And, yeah, I am a huge hypocrite; there are things I censor about myself, hell yes. But you know what? Write about them in your diary if you want - use my same excuses, just reporting the truth and all that. If I'm really concerned about how I'm affecting other people, it might force me to change. But I will never, ever EVER fucking stop you from writing something you want to write, however vindictive or incriminating it is. Maybe you have to have censorship forced on you to really understand it. Fuck, man. I am just so mad I could spit.

I won't be soothed,