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05/14/2005 - 2:13 p.m. | i have a fan

weasle9193: you dumb nigger stop ignorning me

I was keeping this hidden until we found out for sure, but now since the diary is locked, it doesn't really matter anymore.

The night before my hippie psych final, where Kyle, Shelly, and I were up studying, Kyle all hepped up on Redline or something, waxing poetic to his cold clump of meatloaf wrapped in tinfoil ("Oh, vile apple / How I delight in the taste of thee," etc.), Spritz - even more missing than usual lately - came back at around 3 am and asked to talk with me on the porch. At first I thought he was mad about all the shit I'd been giving his mom on my diary, but now I almost wish that had been the case. Turns out all the trouble he's had with his numbness and shit might actually be from MS, the last thing any of us would have expected. They won't know for sure until they do on MRI on him next week, but they've been to a number of doctors, and they all seem to think it's the most likely thing. Still, until he knows for sure, he didn't want Kyle or Shelly to know. In fact, it was only me and his mom at the moment (I was briefly flattered, I admit). But what scary shit, man! I dunno if you know what it is exactly (I didn't), but I guess your immune system gets confused and starts attacking your nerves and such, so that you eventually end up more or less paralyzed. On the plus side, they caught this pretty early for Spritz, so they can slow the eating away a good deal so that he will probably stay the same for a long, long time, but still - Spritz is such a health fag. You'd never think he'd be hit with this. And he's already got all sorts of troubles going on upstairs, so who knows how this will end up affecting him? Is he going to be all crazy and self-destructive? Will he stay in school? I'm all worried for him, man, but I don't know what is the right thing to say to help him out. So I gave him a hug instead. All karma jokes aside, I hope you'll be all right, man.

I won't be soothed,