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01/12/2005 - 3:57 p.m. | i prick myself and see if blood comes out!!

You'll notice I changed up the colors and the main logo just a little bit. Actually a pretty spur of the moment sort of thing. I was checking the weather (and, boy, is it amazing out!), and I saw the stupid picture above in a much smaller form. "Now how is it," I asked myself, "that happy, evil Colin Quinn in 19th century London has anything to do with severe lightning?" Having no reasonable answer, my only solution was to make him the forefront of my little web tragedy.

There is a chance that I might get some flak from the loss of the much-esteemed HAPPLES, but fear not! Simply run your mouse over the picture, and they will (eventually) return, thereby making the graphic all the more surreal. If it seems a little, hmm... choppy, well, that is my fault because me writing Javascript is like a monkey slamming two large wads of feces together. Enjoy!

I won't be soothed,