annals | guests | diaryland

08/13/2004 - 5:34 a.m. | what ever happened to...?

This is actually against my own little rule system I have set up in which I am not allowed to use the internet until we are done at the apartment, but then there was the whole thing where I wasn't paying my cell phone bill, and they apparently don't like letting me use my cell phone when I don't pay for it, so I had to run over here and fix it. Mainly, I just wanted to gush at how impressive technology is. I payed the motherfuck like two minutes ago, and now my phone is working again. I also signed up for auto-pay of that particular bill, which I hope will work out OK and will end with me broke on the street. Guess what? What? I work all the fucking time, and right now I have $250 in my fucking checking account. This, my friends, does not add up. True enough, I do get paid tomorrow at Hot Topic. Also true, I get paid some more from the candy store on Wednesday. But still, I am living from moment to moment. WHAT IF I AM INJURED! Anyway, this is just proof positive that I need that fucking crossing guard job at the very least. $80 a week for little more than a kink in my schedule. $80 at the candy store would be... 13 hours. Perhaps I just need to get more unpleasant jobs? Anyway, enough bitching. There are some swell Notepad entries sitting in the pieces of my computer, and I shall dredge them forth soon enough. Be patient - there is much to learn from me. I love you.

I won't be soothed,