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07/12/2004 - 3:04 a.m. | but i can't sleep at night

Shelly points out that despite all the time I spend talking about how I don't want a relationship, I spend a nearly equal amount of time talking about them... DEAR GOD! YOU'VE FOUND A HOLE IN MY WEB OF LIES! You and North America. I thought it was sort of an unspoken agreement that we didn't discuss my hypocrisy, but so much for that plan now: Of course I want a relationship! Or something! I don't know what the fuck I want, is all. I tried drawing a flowchart about my feelings on the subject once (while drunk), and it is the closest thing I've ever had to making sense. I'd show it to you, but I think you need double vision for it to work. In summary, I have a notion that I am fairly messed up on the subject and thus I kind of run around in circles with it for your entertainment (or lack thereof). Anyway, I've now almost certainly assured that I will be a zombie-like creature tomorrow, so let's hit the hay. In the middle of the barn.

I won't be soothed,