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05/07/2004 - 12:04 p.m. | we can't survive more accidents

I'm a t-shirt-making genius, I think?

I awoke out of my daze this morning (because they are so loud) to overhear Kyle complaining about me not using the word "shithead" on the unicycle one. Well, unfortunately, man, I have to keep this PG if I want to wear them at the Buckle (which was a big part of the plan). Besides, if it were truly up to me, everything I wore would just be covered in swear words. Example.

Last night Spritz and I played this game to see who would crack first and finally turn off Kyle's blaring alarm clock. I won, but Spritz did put up a 15 minute fight, which is pretty good by anyone's standards. Well, maybe not Helen Keller's.

Re: Jared's diary entry about Lisa's thoughts on Sarah's diary. Right. Maybe it's just me, but isn't it sort of the inherent nature of a diary to be self-centered? I mean, you could certainly argue that her diary is more than a little vain, but any diary you read is going to be at least somewhat self-centered. That's the whole point. I mean, maybe for a week I could try writing about what Kyle does with his life, but I sure as hell have no fucking clue what's going on in his head, so I'm stuck writing about myself. Sarah is sort of vain about her appearance, I am sort of vain about the way I write, but everybody is self-centered. Show me a diary that isn't self-centered, and I will be tres impressed. In the meantime, get your vocab down right.

Nate Walsh needs you to find him some parties to go to this weekend. This is one of the rare times when I wish I had some LAS friends. All the engineers have studying and whining and procrastinating to do, and that certainly leaves no time for them to have fun. I don't give a flying magical hat about the fact that you can't make it - you just tell me, and I'll have fun for the both of us. And I'll take some pictures of myself there, OK?

I won't be soothed,