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03/03/2004 - 3:02 a.m. | of course i'm the good guy in my story

From: red headed mutant freak
Re: why thank you for being such a wonderful ass, no wonder you have such shitty luck with girls. :) :) :) :) :)

Now, obviously, I wasn't referring to you as a red headed mutant freak. I'm sure your hair looks very nice (You should send a picture, and then we can cyber). Unless, of course, you are the person I was specifically referring to, in which case, I am drunK!!!1 All the time! Oh no!! Here I am! Drunk again! And I am a mean, mean drunk! You, uh, asshat! But honestly, some descriptor had to be given, right, and I had the earlier stance that all redheads are mutants, and one can't just give up on one's principles, right? Also, ironically, I have red hair myself right now, so I couldn't hate it that much, right? Or I hate myself, I forget which. When I refer to the mutant freaks, I mean more like this kid, who I believe is some sort of ogre.

Anyway, if I were truly a wonderful ass, I would just be leaving Kam's now and about to get some because that's how society works. If I came rushing up to you, thrusting my groin into your backside to the beat of the latest club hits and trying to "accidentally" touch your boobs and making lame conversation about whatever manages to lurch out of my drunken stupor, society says I should be rewarded. With sex. Instead, I am more of your everyday ass who states his opinion in a none too kind manner (like TV's Simon Cowell!!), usually behind the person's back. Sorry. I am aware that it is my fatal flaw, however, and I'm sure I will receive my comeuppance eventually. And I have shitty luck with girls because luck has nothing to do with it. Effort is required, and I am still obviously too shy and passive-aggressive and messed up to do anything about that. Also, you should get that whole manic thing checked out because :( :( :( :( :( comes after :) :) :) :) :)

I won't be soothed,