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02/29/2004 - 6:17 a.m. | I BLEND IN TO ALL ENVIRONMENTS.

Tomorrow is going to be one shitass miserable fucking day, so obviously I am trying to stay awake as long as possible by doing retarded things like calling Best Buy customer service with stupid questions and ordering expensive artfag t-shirts online, etc, etc. The reason tomorrow is going to be so lousy is mostly 'cause of that old stinky abpsych test on Monday, what with the sheep brain parts and all. Gotta go into the lab for God knows how many hours and try to figure out what each tiny little area shaded just a bit differently from the areas around it is over and over, followed by regular studying, followed by work until midnight at Kenney of all places. So I'm trying to make this last, you know?

A large chunk of today was spent adventuring with Kyle, and I must admit that I have missed it these last six months or so. I mean, I have Dank for movies and TV and Spritz for shopping and eating and Shelly for lame hotornot discussions, but Kyle and I haven't been having too many adventures lately, so today was a nice change of pace. We got out the door pretty late in the afternoon (what with the computer games and the hollering of Blessid Union of Souls), but there was still tons of time before Brytne got off of work, so we cruised around and blasted our differing forms of country music - Kyle with his Garth Brooks and me with my Old 97's. I really missed the music blasting weather (and today was even like a visitors' day or something, so plenty of opportunities for an audience), although Kyle seemed less inclined to yell than I remember. I would hope that the balance has not shifted.

On a whim, we decided to go to Taffie's Family Restaurant for lunch. I dunno if you've seen the local commercials with Captain Taffie ("It's SUPER GOOD!"), but we decided it was probably a deterrent to keep folks away from the secret Taffie cult. Or something. I try to listen to my hunches, but today's hunch to get hot beef and mashed potatoes might have been an error. I started feeling a weird, new stomach pain soon thereafter; I'm convinced it gave me an ulcer. While we ate, we planned what may well be the Summer of Kyle and Nate, most others being gone or not interested in what people like us find entertaining. Plans thus far: Visit The Igloo in LaSalle-Pero and take beginner's Spanish at Parkland. While still lots of time to kill, we hit Aldi, although the smell turned me off from buying everything besides the 39 cent chicken pot pie, some weird closeout shoe place (and remind me to visit the nearby soccer store sometime), Best Buy, and Borders. I'm still looking for that one specific CD case, but they seem to not like selling it at stores, so I got a book about palm reading instead. Psh - whatever.

Got sucked into games for a few hours until Brytne and I got starving and went to Taco Bell for a grande meal. 5 tacos each. And then Dank called, so I fled the scene (which seemed to be leading to results none too brilliant) and got one more taco. And some movies.

I think that I am finally about ready to get over myself. Thank God. I still have no desire for any serious relationship because the last I checked all girls are still crazy, but it has become a seriously viable option for me to just ask people out. Fuck it all if I get rejected. I'm rejected now anyway, right? I mean, I'm obviously not there yet 'cause I didn't just go up to hot Rentertainment chick and ask for her number, but I can actually contemplate the option without getting IBS. This is a marked improvement.

Man, my new favorite thing I forgot to mention: OK, so there's this new Usher song that's sort of balls (surprise!) except that it features Li'l John (of "Get Low" fame) in the background screaming three things over and over in a hilarious raspy voice: "YEAH!!!" "OKAY!!!" "WHAT?!!" Anyway, on "Chappelle's Show" on Wednesday, he did a bit on a day in the life of Lil' John ("Have a nice day!" "WHAT?!!" "Have a nice day!" "WHAT?!!" And so forth), and I guess it struck a cord (chord) with me and the rest of the world because besides drunken Bashes doing it, there was a big crowd of bar studs yelling it, to which I simply had to respond. Some things just make sense.

Our movie selecting was actually pretty rapid tonight (besides the frequent out checkings of Miss Thang the Video Worker). We watched Runaway Jury first, which wasn't all that good, but Cuasck was in it, so I am a lot more generous in my sentiments towards it. And I guess it was sort of cool to see the various little plans for jury manipulation and stuff. And watching a fat, sweaty cable guy plow right through a crowd of people. Jared had a bunch of his friends down - all Asian except the redhead mutant freak - so there was sort of a power struggle for the living room, which we won by being adamant. Onto The Lion King 1.5, which really wasn't too good (and relied very heavily upon the original). It did have just a few bits of bizarre humor that made life worth living, though, I guess. They wouldn't let me watch Raven's music video. :(

Yeah, came home right after that, and it's just been this epic struggle ever since. I still don't really want to get to tomorrow yet, but if I don't, it will be both a horrible AND an exhausting day, and I really wouldn't like that. So give me a hug, shithead. I'm goin' to sleep.

I won't be soothed,