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01/23/2004 - 4:45 a.m. | i'd like to give a shout out...

...to whoever that kid at Scitech was that told my mom that Beavis and Butthead (who she did not approve of) had said, "Tastes like chicken," thereby completely depriving me of my favorite catchphrase of all time. In my youth, at least.

Actually, I hope it was one of the two guys I locked in the gym tonight. OK, so while I was working, a bunch of the management people came in to show a new guy the ropes at Freer. When they went to check out the gym, they said that some guys were hanging around who wanted to play some soccer because they couldn't find any other place and that I was supposed to stand against them because of policy or something. So I did what I had to do. I lied. Let them use the gym because WTF, it's not in use anyway, and they were certainly grateful (one guy offered to buy me a drink), and they didn't cause any trouble. Anyway, so I came in to clear them out at the end of my shift, and they were all cool with it, but I guess two guys had come in to play basketball, and they were intentionally ignoring me. "OK, I'm gonna need everyone out now!" *dribble dribble* Grrrr. One of them looked like Frankie from "Boy Meets World" (now starring in The Butterfly Effect!) Normally I turn the lights out to give some sort of hint as to what I'm going for, but I was sort of pissy, so I just locked the doors on them. The more I think about it, the more I'm fairly sure that one of the doors had a way to unlock it from the inside, but if not, well, I'm sure they had an excellent adventure tonight. Then I watched GaS with Dank until our eyes melted. Why did I get hungry now? See, 'cause then I had to eat, and that woke me up. Anyway, that should pass quickly enough. Like food through my bowels even. Mmm-hmm.

I won't be soothed,