annals | guests | diaryland

12/30/2003 - 12:42 p.m. | so's your face!

Look, I still update! But quickly, quickly. So, how have you been? Good, I hope. Anyway, back to the more important topic of my stupid, boring life. <3 <3 :) Love.

Woke up yesterday at 7 (arg), giving myself enough time to shower, pack, and watch most of an episode of "Charmed." This is masochism, I think. Alyssa Milano is not attractive; I do not care if she has breasts or not. Ducky came a little after 8:30, and we were on our way. Hmmm - it's always so difficult to recall the various things we discuss because there are so many topics and all are fairly retarded. I missed him.

Since we had a little extra time before we were supposed to get Bill, we stopped at a thrift store in Rockford to purchase clothes for the 80's New Year's party I knew nothing about. I am pretty happy with my outfit, and maybe if you are lucky, you will see pictures. Incidentally, if you are looking for an old auto-dialer from a church, they have one there for $300. I originally thought it was a big phone for calling God. I still may be right. I opened a mysterious present I found in a box of sunglasses. It contained two stuck together old hard candies. Had someone only said the word, I would've probably at least had the peppermint.

We sped to Bill's next (not literally, of course, because there are traffic laws that say we musn't do so). Ducky kept getting owned by this old man in a Dodge Ram. Shame on him. Shame on us both. We got Bill and were back on the road fairly quickly, so as to make it to Bowden's "thangle" in good time. Oh - here's the link to the event itself. As you can see, there are some winners there. I KEED, I KEED. Just, uh, not the crowd I knew at IMSA like at all. Anyway, I was navigator. Here is a helpful hint: Don't make the navigator the person most anxious to attend. He may, er, accidentally get you just a little lost to buy some time. Not me, though. I wouldn't do that.

Anyway, bowling first. Since we were so late (we stopped at Taco Bell, fueling the flames of doom later on), we were on the outskirts of the group. I honestly don't think they minded, since they don't really know us either. But there we were anyway. As far as bowling goes, yes, I still suck. My form is lacking, as is power, aim, and so forth. But I can throw the ball pretty straight sometimes, and the rest is luck. The bowling alley had this special deal just for our group (because "Jim" and "Dave" were there?) where certain frames would be "red pin" - if you got a strike, you'd get a prize. A fifty cent piece, namely. And then you kept trading the coins amongst the group every time someone gets a spare. Anyway, it took a while (and one embarrassing backwards toss of the ball), but I got my coin and lost it soon afterwards. I know no one would ever believe me, but had I won, I promise I would've given everyone their coins back. But I figured it wasn't worth it. Hmm. The damn computer was a little too smart and knew to always, always give me the red pin frames. Oh - I did score a 107 in my last game, which is fairly good for me.

From there, we were supposed to go to a middle school for, um, unknown reasons, which frankly sort of scared us. Instead, we called Aaris (who goes to NIU... oh, we were in Sycamore) and visited his place. He didn't really know me (uh, who does?) nor me him but he's nice and has impressive turntable skills, so yippie. Then we visited Branson and Jess Ward (whose name we could not remeber at all), adding to the list of people I saw today that I didn't know AT ALL. Since we had some time before dinner, we went to the middle school to see what the doings were. Unfortunately, the doings were well-contained, by which I mean the doors were locked. So I peed on a window, then used home base (Kyle) to get Bowden's number. Then frisbee with Bowden and Rosalind. Hmmm.

We went to Johnny's Charhouse, which just screams delightful, does it not? The tables were highly segregated. The goths at one table, the Asians at another the couch people, and then us. Miscellaneous. It was the three of us, Andrew, Danjoe, and Megan Bannon. Poor Megan. She did not know what she was walking into as we were all riled up and generally annoying as usual. Food was expensive and adequate. Those two descriptors should not go together. High five for terrible, fake chicken piccata. We ran out shortly thereafter. Fudge goodbyes.

Bill drove on the ride home. This time I knew where we going, but everyone had sort of lost faith in me. Lewis Black on the way back, followed by a stop at Toys "BACKWARDS R" Us to see if we could find some Furbies. Ducky and I decided that we needed to get Furbies and train them to scream profanities at each other. And then use remote controls on them to make them completely insane. And then burn them. Maybe. Still, no luck. Oh - Ducky has a bit of porn in the backseat, but since Bill never, ever got shotgun, he read through it all pretty fast. In a desperate search for more, I was sent into various gas stations as the Porn Banshee. No luck once again, though. Where is the luck?

Back at Bill's, we mostly sat, looked at old Star Wars figures, and argued about going skiing. See, I had no idea it was so expensive. Over $60 if we went during the day, and $40 if we went at night. Balls. I am poor and do not like skiing so much. So, I was willing to just hang out or whatever while they skiied, but they see this as some sort of wimpy passive-aggressive sacrifice or something when really I am just cheap and don't want them to not ski. I just want to go to Nig's, damn it. Anyway, we are still arguing even now. I guess I'll let you know how it goes. We watched "X-Files" episodes and passed out. Then a mysterious person called me at 1:30. Fucking "Malaguena." Arg - must stop writing. OK, good enough. Had a dream my writing was published. That was nice. Ate meat. Wahoo. OK, bye now.

I won't be soothed,