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12/22/2003 - 4:27 a.m. | take what you get

"Dear Nate: Please write a diary entry in your usual facetious, detailed manner, or I will hack off your damn stupid face so that you look like No Face or whatever from Dick Tracy."

This would be sort of coincidental seeing as how No Face was played by Madonna (of the big boobs and the sex with Vanilla Ice) in the movie and that she is the exact same age as my mother. OK, I'm stretching, but that right there is a very good reason why I cannot write you a meticulous entry for the time being.

Maybe I can get by without one? Naaaaah. I writhed in pain until my tummy felt better then immediately went back to drinking Pepsi. Pavlov would be angry with me. Dank IM'd and we hit the bookstores to lighten our loads and fill our pockets. OK, less filling mostly, but I've heard that is a good quality in beer, so we'll go with it. And anyway, it will go a long way in funding Christmas shopping this year. That's right, I still have neglected to start. Obviously, I am waiting until I am filled with Christmas spirit (amphetamines) and can acquire some sort of firearm before my shopping begins. All for you, baby. All for you.

Went to Za's and watched Poolhall Junkies, which I guess was originally some HBO movie. This needed to be told, I guess. Anyway, it was about pool sharks and had Christopher Walken. It was pretty cute - I liked the actors (the main hottie guy and generic Joe Mantegna mainly) and a lot of the details, but it just felt like something was missing. I kept having that problem with the movies tonight. I suppose this means I'm a bitch. They just needed some tweaking is all! Don't be afraid to go over the 90 minute mark!

After watching Yousaf leap around idiotically in his games for a while, we left to hit Best Buy and Circuit City for some nerdatry. I bought Donnie Darko for cheap because I have decided that I need to be well versed in it. Man, and I just remember that I assigned myself my own NateSkill, and I cannot remember it for the life of me. Oh, well - I'll just types me letters.

Dank had to pack and Yousaf had to sleep when we got back, so I made it a point to get myself absorbed in some other sort of mediocre movies they had laying around. Freak Friday was cute (even with Lindsay Lohan's damn freckles) but again... a hole in my heart. And I really do think that The New Guy had a lot of good, insane details, but it was just too rushed. With some more careful planning, it could've kicked some major ass. Justin and Lisa called, so I went out to eat at Steak 'n' Shake with them. Don't give me comment cards because they will not lead to constructive criticism. Trust me. More cup cheese. Thank you. Dank and I watched our Nick shows until "Finders Keepers" conked him out for the night. Developing short term crushes on the sometimes cute contestants is all I have. And watching the ADD kids wig out. I departed soon after.

Good enough? Well, here's a picture of Avril and it looks like she about to KISS ANOTHER GIRL! OMG ERECTION! HUGE ERECTION AIESOPAEI;dfkldfkhhhhhhhh

I won't be soothed,