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07/21/2003 - 10:44 p.m. | and no one will ever know it if I keep my mouth shut tight

Hooray for days off, and boo for returning to work tomorrow. There. You are essentially caught up. For wretched details, Nate style, read on. Masochist.

Up at 9:30, prepare myself, on the road by a little after 10. Sing Fiona Apple and try my best to study econ. Cancel that. I didn't try, and I certainly didn't do my best. Studying was done as hurriedly and adequately as possible. It's pretty easy when most of the terms are sort of intuitive.

An hour or so later, we arrived at IKEA (a.k.a. Yuppie Central, USA). It's good for the old ego to be reminded how much like every other person in the whole freaking world I am. And to look at cute furniture and junk. Man, I can't wait 'til we get an unfurnished place down the road. The plan is as follows: No bed, only a big squishy pillow and crazy rocking board thing. AND - and! - build a tunnel so everyone has to crawl to get into my room. It will be painfully annoying for everyone involved. Anyway, until then, I'm stuck finding cute little things, which is OK with me because I happen to love the little things. No luck on linens at all, really, and they were out of the shower curtain I wanted, but I did get a few little things, including the same old headache I get everytime I go there. Dunno if it's the lights in there or what, but it's like clockwork. Strange.

Ate lunch at Joe's Crab Shack (I wasn't super impressed with it, but Mom's etouffe was very good) and then drove around trying to find me a comforter I didn't hate. Bed, Bath, and Beyond sucked absolute shit (and they didn't even have Roombas - this concerns me), so we had to rely on good old Target. Fuck Todd Oldham, though. I got a little kid's one. Sort of cute and bright :) AND, as far as huge plusses go, they had a satchel that finally falls within my exacting standards! Yippie! So expect me shimmying around with a purse from now on >:O I'll have dental floss if you need it.

From there, we stopped at Trader Joe's in Batavia. Such a fun store - I wanted to try just about everything there, and Mom and I did probably make Dad buy way too much, but good food is worth it. So expect moans and rants about how good certain things are throughout the next few days. :)

Back home and then pretty much back on the road for me. Stupid class. He went over another lesson or some bullshit, but I ignored this last minute opportunity to study and focused on the two most important things in that class: my letters and ... never you mind. This was followed by the test, which alternated between stupidly easy and annoying trite. Yay, school! Drove around aimlessly for a while since I had some extra time and then grabbed a Tangerango or something from Tropical Sno and came back here. Was supposed to be getting a phone call, so I sat around and watched this terrible movie on Lifetime starring Annie Potts as this housewife who tracked down and caught all these online pedophiles. Then I started to watch it again (because it's apparently the only thing they have to show right now), realized what I was doing, and came online. I should sleep, but that just makes work come sooner. Shoot.

I won't be soothed,