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07/02/2003 - 11:30 p.m. | turning your orbit around

I couldn't have done a worse job packing if I tried. Then again, not trying is why I packed so poorly in the first place. I am lethargic and sort of grumpy. Which should not be so.

Hours: 7.5 (7-2:30, no break)
$$$: $84.mmmmmmmm
-"The Soft Bulletin" - The Flaming Lips
-"Fashion Nugget" - Cake
-"OK Computer" - Radiohead
-"Live at Jittery Joe's" - Jeff Mangum
-Blue - Weezer

6 hours is apparently enough sleep to remove the fog over my head for most of the morning. Verdict is still out on whether or not that's a good thing. What can I say? I welded. I guess it was really hot out, but I didn't notice especially. Snake King likes the narc better than me, even though I do more work. That's what being personable gets you. When the straightener and cutter stopped running, Travo ran over and did some lame ass kick at the spool to stop it spinning. I don't think he thought anyone saw it, but I did. And I made fun of you, you stupid ass. I was fortunate to cut myself and then burn the cut shortly thereafter, cauterizing it. Infections have been fended off. Holes in time are nice; I get things done without remember doing them. Saves me some pain.

Dad came by at about 2:30. I got tacos (meanwhile, they closed Taco Place a.k.a. Saddam's!!! death to you) and then we went to this grocery store to move bottles around or something. With practice, I bet I could be an OK Coke guy. But I'm going to college so hopefully I won't have to. It's just more systems of organization. I could do that.

Drove home after that, tried not to move for a while, drove Dad to car lot so he could pick up my new car and take it home. Meanwhile, I drove to the Norway Store to talk to Susan Whalen. Apparently, she had a bit of a spat with her parents and has moved out and everything. She works 12 hour days and goes to IVCC. Crazy. I gave her my number. I'm so bored. At least she talks a lot.

From there, drove to Ottawa. I was sure Farm and Fleet would have cowboy hats, but despite all the cowboy related t-shirts and pictures and boots, not a single hat. Unless they were sealed in the vault. I think I saw a bunch of people from Serena, but I could be wrong and besides, everyone hates me. I also hit up the cowboy store in Peru. They had hats but my head is too small, so I didn't have many options. I told the lady to call when they get small "oilskins" in or whatever. I know so much more about hats now than I did.

And less about econ. I arrived a little late, not that I missed anything. Same old bullshit. News, review, homework, problems, break, lecture. I wrote a letter and upon completing that, spaced off in the direction of the one remotely pretty girl in the class and fell asleep. Stupid world. The test will be easy with a little studying (where will I find the time?).

Drove to Ottawa for lemon-lime sno (I have yet to have a crappy flavor). It was busy as hell but the Julie Rosengren-esque girl working there still had time to steal glances at me. Woo. Still got it, you disgusting monster. I always listen to "The King of Carrot Flowers, Pts. 2 & 3" while eating Tropical Sno because of the line, "Up and over we go / Mouths open wide and spillin' sno" *giggle* I am such a horse's ass.

Came home and did the lousy packing. Off to UIUC sometime tomorrow afternoon, just me and the wagon. I'm vaguely excited (yay! I can listen to CDs in it!) but a little disappointed as well. So it goes. Explain this one:

michelleawetzler: seriously
michelleawetzler: nate
michelleawetzler: everytime i read your diary
michelleawetzler: i get the porn

No idea why that is. Nothing in my code as far as I can see. Prolly no entry again until Sunday or Monday, so have fun with your things. Hopefully, I'll be happier then.

So, since I only use one eye at a time to focus, the one I don't use as much (usually the right) kind of floats off on its own. Lazy eye. So, I guess I was unconsciously self-conscious of it because I've developed this tic where I squint and my eye sort of twitches to hide it. Oh, yes. That's vastly superior.

I won't be soothed,