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06/16/2003 - 10:08 p.m. | let the punishment fit the crime

You won't hear any complaints from me. Any issues I had today were my own damn fault for having that coffee.

Hours: 8.5 (7-3:30)
$$$: $74.40
"13" - Blur
"Being There" (disc one) - Wilco
"Fountains of Wayne" - Fountains of Wayne
"Stunt" - Barenaked Ladies
"DeStilj" - The White Stripes

Sleep was not quick in coming. Well, it hardly ever is, but this time I didn't fall alseep until around 3:30. Then, up at 6. Wow, so groggy and awful. I kept imagining what it would be like to be different animals. "Fish don't have to work! They just swim and poop! And birds get up early and sing! Stupid nature..." Showered and whatever, and then Dad and I left. He tried to make conversation, I think, but I wasn't all there. Part of me was thoroughly convinced that it was all a big trick. No one would actually make me work this early!! I'll just play along, and when I get there, I'll graciously accept my free snow tires or whatever. Like I said, I wasn't on top of my game.

Arrived at work, and of course it created pure chaos that I was in early and no one knew about it (COMMUNICATION!). I wound tomato pens for a few hours until the other winder broke and mine was confiscated (Nate < Everything) and then I wound string until I ran out of the little ties for the bundles, and then I took like an hour break because Snake King is USELESS and can't figure out any work for me to do. So, I was well within the stage where everything was just way too funny. In the break room, there are these two little chubby foam brackets (like this: [ [), and normally I just position them so they look like they're making love because, well, I'm an idiot. Someone always puts them back in the normal position, and I always change it back to the hot foam lovin'. Anyway, today I was inspired and invented some crazy game wherein I tried to make one foam bracket leap onto the other. This fills up an hour very quickly when your brain has gone to seed. Tom tried to talk to me. New topics even! But I just wasn't up for it. Such an asshole, Nate.

Welded in the afternoon, and that seemed to give me a second wind. The machine is supposed to be running superbly now or something. This means louder. I love you, factory. It's terrible having your fate entirely in someone else's hands. I knew Dad was gonna come late, and I also knew there was nothing I could do about it. 3:20, as predicted. Another groggy drive home, followed by molasses cookies and lime tortilla chips (I am preggers) and Mexican something something for dinner (lukewarm but delicious). Got myself preened for class (ha), and then drove out to old IVCC. I am being spoiled by my parents car!! It's so smooth and functional! Not to mention CDs.

At IVCC, bought book (a day's worth of work, down the tubes), laughed at the only two Asian guys in LaSalle county smoking around campus together, walked to class. It is filled with - I'm sorry to say it, but it's true - ugly, ugly people. I am fucking top of the pops there, and that is just SAD. Class is going to be a) easy and b) BORING. Teacher essentially just reads slowly through the book for 3 hours. AIEEEE. He handed out some worksheet that I thought was for notes, so I just did it in class. Turns out it was next period's homework. Wow, school is easy.

Got out early, so I went to the cowboy store to see if I could find me a white cowboy hat. It was closed. Instead, I went to the mall and Wal-mart, where I bought The Dubliners (because I'll never read it otherwise) and From Dusk 'till Dawn on VHS (because I need to absorb it). Both were under 5 dollars. I was called a fag twice - once while screaming Weezer at a red light, again while using the Wal-mart cart as a high-powered scooter. Now, seriously, what's faggish about either of those things? They both seem wicked bad to me!! Then again, fags prolly never know, do they? Drove to Ottawa for Tropical Sno (grasshopper - lime and vanilla) in the highly-useful Drip Cup (still collecting them for my arts and crafts project). Giggled to Badly Drawn Boy, came home. The end. Actually, no.

Since car is still broken, and they had an impossible time finding work for me today, I am off tomorrow! YIPPIE! I can catch up on sleep (which I won't... now that I can) and go for a bike ride and read and... I have a terribly boring life, don't I? Whoops.

I won't be soothed,