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06/16/2003 - 12:46 a.m. | we're in mexico, you fucking piece of shit!!

OK, I should really, REALLY just go to bed, but that has been rendered impossible by the two cups of coffee I had. See, the apparent solution to not having a car is being driven to work ass early (e.g. 7 o'clock) by my dad and being picked up by him whenever he damn well feels like it (e.g. a billion hours later). I am going to be exhausted tomorrow. Damn you, coffee. Except - the only way I can possibly get through tomorrow is through even more coffee. Vicious cycles of addiction. No one at the factory actually knows that this whole plan of ours is going down, though, so I might just walk in tomorrow at 7:20 or so and have absolutely nothing to do. Communication problems, people. The Walshes have communications problems. Anyway, I guess it'll help soften the blow that on Mondays and Wednesdays I'm gonna have to leave early and go to class. Stupid factory. Mom printed out my schedule, which is good because my plan to wing it had some serious flaws (like not knowing where the class was). Now for my day (the excitement tingles down your spine like a well-oiled... something):

Woke up at 8 (that don't make no sense), did nothing for many, many hours (free HBO and Cinemax and TV still sucks!), showered, drove to Wal-mart. It's so nice driving a car with the windows down, blasting a CD. Hell, it's nice just to have a running car, but I won't complain to have the old maroon monstrosity back if it means I am the master of my destiny once again. Wandered around Wal-mart forever, getting food for parents, meds for myself (wee), and desperately searching for a non-shitty Father's Day gift. I settled on the new Led Zeppelin live CD thing, which was hardly a stroke of brilliance on my part, but I was tryin'! Came back home and was sent out to buy more things. Yes, I am a bitch. But I did get TWENTY-TWO POUNDS OF ICE in Sheridan! Well, I was impressed anyway. Tina came over and they did, dunno, whatever. I fell asleep, so I don't recall. Oh, the pergola (sic still?) is well underway. It doesn't entirely make sense to me, but it was exactly what Mom wanted, so yay. I see giant wooden monkey bars, which I need to test possibly.

So I slept and normally that counts as rest, right? Well, all three WALSHES apparently got car lag at the same time because by the time I woke up, we all got super-lethargic. I had to crawl to do most anything. Woozy like nothing else. Ate dinner (pork derivative) and didn't move some more. You'd think with all the channels we have, there would be something to watch. You're right. And that something is From Dusk 'till Dawn on UPN!!! Such a bizarre movie. You wouldn't know vampires were coming at all, would you? And so many big people are in it: Quentin Tarantino, George Clooney, Harvey Keitel, Juliette Lewis, Salma Hayek, Cheech Marin, Danny Trejo (OK, he's not big, but I love him for being in Bubble Boy). But it's got some great elements to it. Like George Clooney's Stab-O-Matic device that is completely useless. And a character named Sex Machine with a crotch gun. And some crazy Vietnam guy. Yes, I love it now. Actually, it would be fun to devote a lot of time to it. And its numerous sequels. And one great thing about the UPN version was how they tried to dub every swear. "You gotta watch out because we are two bad [MOTORSCOOTERS] blah blah blah" Wow. That's so replacing "motherfucker" in my vocabularly. For sure.

Justin called at some point, and he and Lisa came over, and we went out intent on bowling (well, tolerant of bowling). Unfortunately, in these parts, everything closes at 10, and we arrived at around 9:47. Darn it. So, off to the Flying J for mediocre food! As is standard for me in those all nite shitty diner type places, I mixed meals: Frosted Flakes and a hot fudge sundae, motorscooters! And COFFEE. Which was stupid. Like I said. But I was feeling tired, and I wasn't quite ready to yet. Problem is, now I don't at all. Time for Mystery Men again? *sigh* Only because I don't have a certain better movie. This is not a good entry. The next one will be.

I won't be soothed,