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06/09/2003 - 11:12 p.m. | live from savannah

And they thought Savannah, GA, could stop me. I am paying $11 for a day's use of the internet. Actually, I'm not. I could've just waited, but my dad needed to access priceline or hotwire or something to find our next hotel room (WALSHES lives by the seat of their pants), so I'm just reaping the rewards. Tapping away on the wireless keyboard whilst mis padres sleep. Savannah is awesome. I mean, as far as touristy places go, it's just more shops and eating way too much, etc, etc. But the town itself is just gorgeous. I highly recommend you visit someday and just walk around. And take me with. Please :) I will spare you the long details until I get back or until I have less crappy access to the internet at my uncle's house, but I am alive, which is good, and I am not at a factory, which is great. The clock says it's 11:15. The clock is lying. Damn time zones. Mostly I eat and walk and sleep and buy things. And the beach. Tomorrow is our last day in Savannah. Then we proceed to Hilton Head, and then onto Greenville, SC. I hope everyone is doing well. I am chubby and relaxed, but I miss everyone lots. My parents are great, but I miss everyone, and the only people at this hotel are mutants. Speaking of which, I think I am gonna go down to the lobby and read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. If you have not, do so, OK? It's especially cool reading about things and going to see them, but perhaps this is because I am a dork. Talk to y'all in a few days! Have a nice week!

P.S. Dear Kyle, you know those hair removal things we always see on TV and you ALWAYS ask how they work? Well, we stopped at an "AS SEEN ON TV" outlet store and I am now the proud owner of one, so we'll figure that shit out, OK?

I won't be soothed,