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01/25/2003 - 11:13 a.m. | verge on dirty

Neck cancer seems to have subsided after I ate lunch, but man, my right knee has been killing me lately, possibly because I keep making it run. I've been able to mask my old man hobble so far, though.

I think I might need a bike to keep up with my schedule. The walk to Psych was OK (I tried to resist the urge to doze off in class because I like the teacher, but she has all the notes she uses on class online and essentially repeats them for us! I'd feel rude skipping all the time, though) and I got out early enough that I only had to powerwalk to get to Allen (Calculus, AIEEE! At least it goes by quickly; the teacher showed us like 3 problems and then we had to go. He's boring but still far more dynamic that Carlos Tellez or whatever...), but the run to Entomology was pretty bad. Man, Insects and People is a highly easy class. We get the majority of the notes printed out, and we only have to fill in a couple blanks :) The rest of the time it's just fun info and touching big ass bugs and whatnot. After that, I went to lunch with Lisa and ate way too much, making the walk to my Entomology discovery section (yes, I am in 2 discovery courses - do not argue) plodding. That seems like it'll be the most fun. We're just have guest speakers and tours with the professor and stuff!

After class (yes, that was my day), I sat around and did nothing for a good 3 hours until Lisa got out of photography. Then we went to the bookstore, where some karma kicked in or something. She returned a book for $100, and I had to buy a book for $100. Darn. After that, we rented a movie and went to the Jerusalem restaurant to meet KC. I tried to be open-minded, but my falafel thing wasn't very good. My Gatorade was, though! haha - it turns out that I like Gatorade a lot, for some odd reason. Then, since Lisa has like 20 diseases and because she never tells anyone what she wants (at least not openly), we went to Matt and KC's place, where we eventually watched 24 Hour Party People. It was a fake documentary about "punk" music in the 80s or whatever - Joy Division and all those bands I've heard of but have never listened to because they're not Dexy's Midnight Runners. I liked the self-referential humor about the liberties they were taking with the story and all, but the movie itself wasn't too great; I fell alseep :) Anyway, walked sick Lisa back to Allen and eventually ended up spending the night there. It makes no sense to me either.

I fell off the bed, though. And it was the top bunk :D

Man, Lisa is full of shit. She told me last night that she wanted to get up at 9 to start on homework and stuff. Having quite a bit myself, I agreed. Then, this morning, her alarm goes off and before I even have time to say good morning or anything, she turns it off and collapses again. 90 minutes later when we do actually wake up, she blames me for us sleeping in, because I would've been pissed off if she had woken me earlier. Bullshit, sweetie! That's the biggest pile of crap ever :) I wonder why she didn't just say she was sleepy still...

Anyway, today will be homework day, so I guess I should get started. When I was walking back from Allen, I heard someone watching "Boy Meets World" and felt intense jealousy.

I won't be soothed,