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12/23/2002 - 3:20 a.m. | power outage

The power just went out for like 15 minutes. I'm proud to say that we handled it pretty well. Kyle was all set to run off to his parents' place, but having lived in a podunk town for quite a few years, I knew the score. I always have a couple lights around, and then I called up the power place, but right as I was about to have them send someone, the power came back on. We don't have oodles of common sense, but it's enough. Woulda sucked with "the juice" off, though. I mean, Kyle wouldn't be able to look at his cards or porn, which is a travesty in itself, but the no heat thing would bother me more. Oh, well - bedtime now. Gotta get a somewhat early start tomorrow and come back home.

I won't be soothed,