annals | guests | diaryland

12/21/2002 - 11:40 p.m. | too lazy to even write

Ack, my brain is incapable of concentration. Every such low levels as this.

Yesterday, I eventually got my ass up and gave the quad their Christmas presents. First, a pair of cheap walkie talkies so that I would have a cheap alternative to a cell phone. Unfortunately, despite their claims that they operate "up to 2 miles," they have almost no range at all. We assume it meant to say "up to 2 miles in the vaccuum of space." Silly stypos. I also got them a Serving Santa (somewhat like this but a little cuter), which can't serve all that much. It spills drinks and tips over anything too heavy. So yeah, I suck.

At least I'm not as vacant as Eric Wilson. Jesus Christ - he's amazing.

After Lis' final, we went to IHOP (for... some reason) and rented Annie Hall. I've read the script before, and Lis fell asleep.

I've been playing with the "Photo Fantasy" generic Photoshop program included with my digital camera. It's actually fairly well-done... This is one of the products. Yes.

Today, more bumming around. Said goodbye to Lis :( and killed lots of time with GTA until Justin called. We got dinner at Quizno's (Yum - my first time! Honey mustard chicken and swiss with bacon!!!!) and then off to the mall with Will and Kyle and Spritz. I missed my opportunity to get micro racing cars, but I did get some badass bubble gum cigarettes (which reminds me... *runs off and gets them*) and some mediocre Magic cards. Yes. This was my day. I was mopey for a bit, but I feel a little better now. Possibly a rant in a bit.

I won't be soothed,