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11/11/2002 - 10:26 a.m. | long, useless entry

Sorry I haven't updated at all - haven't been in here much at all lately...

Yesterday, I woke up at 12:30 and showered. Then headed over to Lis' to work on homework, but it sucked because I was in an awfully neurotic sort of mood, and like any sound at all was getting to me. So I was trying to read psych and then Lis' parents called, and they were sorta arguing about something and Lisa has to repeat herself a lot, and even though she wasn't speaking in English, I still managed to focus on the equivalent to "like" in our language... And she said it over and over and I kept counting it and I was just trying to hold on (Lis, this isn't your fault! I was just broken!) So then she was finally wrapping it up with her dad, and then her mom got on the line, and she started all over again, and that was really too much for me, so I went out into the commons. But that was even noisier (passerby and some asshole who kept singing a mocking version of Radiohead's "Creep") so I moved into a nice, quiet classroom. I thought everything was gonna be fine, but then I started to notice someone was blasting bass somewhere, and it very nearly broke me. Instead, though, I took a fat marker and drew my pain on the dry erase board. It turned out pretty neat (digicam soon so you can see dumb stuff like this!) and helped calm me down or some thing. Lis came back, and we decided to get lunch or dinner or something.

Now, for some reason, I haven't been in the mood for food lately. Like, I get hungry - I feel hunger pangs and all - but I don't crave any particular food. It really sucks because I'll be like, "Let's go eat here!" and then I'll think about it and gradually become repulsed and have to pick somewhere else, over and over. Finally, I decided to go with the lowest common denominator (did somebody say McDonald's?). Several ass fries and nuggets later (jeez, my bowels), I started wanting real things again. So after we ate (Lis had Subway - I was amused by all the signs saying how much McDonald's sucked as I choked down my grease fries), we went to Walgreens, and I got Nerds and Binaca :D Then we ran into one of Lis' friends (Mitch? Possibly Fred Q. Butt?) who overcompensated a little with his handshake... Like, I'm pretty paranoid about having a good handshake after a bad experience freshman year, so I make sure I'm firm but not crushing or a big pumper. This guy was a crusher. He dug his thumb into the gap between my thumb and index finger. Otherwise he seemed nice, though.

Lis and I came back to Allen and grabbed a class room to work in. We kept dozing off, though, 'cause we're so productive. At some point, however, this dude (another student) just invaded! Jeez, no common courtesy at all... He could have at least asked. Anyway, Lis and I left pretty soon after that and switched to an even bigger classroom, this time making sure to take out all our books and stuff and spreading them so it looked like there were lots of people there (I know, we're wretched). Still people came in! Oh, well. Eventually Lis' roommate left and we back to her room to work.

I always freak out about all the work I think I have, but then I get it all done in a couple of hours and have nothing to do. So I helped Lis write her English paper. When that was done, I came back here. Wow.

I won't be soothed,