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11/03/2002 - 6:18 p.m. | "let me get this straight - i grow up to be a loser?!?!"

God, so lazy these last 2 days. I sat around all Saturday afternoon while Lis was with her parents playing Parappa with Bill and Will (uh, Bill's visiting). I am consistently the winner in the VS. mode 'cause I GOTTA BELIEVE! (best taunt ever) and also 'cause I never do anything besides try to mimic exactly. After many, many hours of very, very little, I went over to Lisa's for a while to watch TV and stuff, but my time was cut short by a trip to Meijer with Kyle, Bill, Will, Steve, and Spritz (I sat on his lap on the way there; he sat on mine on the way back). We bought stuff for dinner and just food in general. I got a yo-yo and some Pez (which has long been consumed - not the yo-yo), and Kyle won $12 on his first scratch-and-win lotto ticket, thus ensuring his career as a gambler forever.

Came back here to drop off stuff, and then Kyle and I went to his parent's house to pick up some supplies... They're very nice :) Even though they weren't there, they left all this stuff on the counter for him. Anyway, came back here and while Will cooked - yes, Will - I scoured the internet for cheap Japanese Parappa merchandise (a talking doll that screamed "I GOTTA BELIEVE" in Japanese would kick ass). We had big, big hamburgers and smoky baked fries. Pretty good :)

There was supposed to be a Bloomington adventure or possibly a trip to Wal-mart (I would've gone on the second), but since it was already 1, and Spritz was sleepy, and Kyle was on the phone, and because I like her so much :D I went over to Lisa's and spent the night.

Other couples would have sex. We watched TV. A LOT of TV. Highlights include Disney's The Kid 'til like 3 AM (I've been waiting for so long - Remember, though, chubby boys aren't cute or funny. They're fat), the second half of the episode of "Trading Spaces" I missed (the rooms were ugly, but the owners faked happiness at least... Doug's such a slimeball), Rear Window (not the suspense fest I had hoped but cute enough), and about 20 episodes of "Even Stevens" and "Boy Meets World" (they're essentially the same thing, so excuse me if I lump them together).

Now - NOW - I am finally done watching TV. I have showered. I have put my laundry away (even if I am too lazy to ball up socks and just threw them in the drawer). I have discussed the Stick-It website with Will. The only think left to do is read... Right........ now.

I won't be soothed,