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12/22/2002 - 2:50 p.m. | why am i eating bbq fries?

Well, after a bit of figuring, I think I'll end up having a 93 in Astronomy 100 (even after the unfairly graded reprots). I hope that's high enough for me to make it in the top 15% of the class so I can get an A. If not, I'll be pretty pissy. A solid A in Psych, though! Yahoo! And now that I've completed the class, maybe I'll participate in some experiments for money.

I'm working on cleaning/packing currently. I have so much stuff, and I feel like I need to bring it all home 'cause I'll be gone so long. "Well, I might not have an inner ear infection, but I'd better bring this big bottle of ear medicine just in case! *cram*"

I can't believe we're 3 days away from Christmas here. Jeez - I remember when this time used to just crawl. Oh, shut up, Nostalgia Boy. Good point.

I won't be soothed,